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Frequently Asked Questions


Explore our FAQs page for answers to commonly asked questions.

    We announce all pregnancies and births on our 'Facebook' and 'Instagram' page, we also add a banner to the homepage of our website. However, we would suggest subscribing to our Mailing List so you don't miss any pregnancies or births as we only have a limited number of kittens a year. To enquire about our current availability or to reserve a kitten, please fill out our 'Kitten Enquiry Form'. We're always excited to help you find your perfect feline companion! 🐾
    If you're interested in bringing one of our beautiful kittens into your home, we kindly ask that you fill out our 'Kitten Enquiry Form'. This form serves as the initial step and allows us to gather important information about your preferences and lifestyle to ensure we match you with the perfect feline companion. By filling out the kitten enquiry form, you'll be added to our waiting list. In addition to filling out our Kitten Enquiry Form, we also encourage you to subscribe to our Mailing List. By doing so, you'll stay up-to-date with all the latest news and developments at The House of Siamese.
    Our Enquiry Form: The process begins with our Kitten Enquiry Form. This form serves as the initial step, allowing us to gather essential information lifestyle, living situation, past experience with pets, and preferences for your future feline friend. By understanding your unique circumstances and preferences, we can better match you with a kitten that will seamlessly integrate into your life and bring you joy for years to come. Observation: At The House of Siamese, we pride ourselves on raising kittens in a nurturing and enriching environment. From the moment they enter the world, our kittens receive abundant love, care, and socialisation. We closely observe each kitten's development, paying attention to their physical appearance, personality, behaviour, and unique traits as they grow. This allows us to gain valuable insights into their individual characteristics, enabling us to make informed decisions when matching them with their forever families. Matching Process: Based upon the information gathered from the enquiry form, we assess each kitten's temperament, energy levels, and specific needs. We then work carefully to pair each kitten with a prospective owner whose lifestyle, preferences, and expectations match with the kitten's temperament and requirements. Factors such as activity levels, the presence of other pets, and previous experience with cats are taken into careful consideration during this process. Our goal is to create lifelong bonds between our kittens and their new families, ensuring a happy and fulfilling life for all. Follow-up and Support: We provide ongoing support and guidance to all new owners, offering invaluable advice on every aspect of feline care. Whether you need assistance with transitioning your kitten to its new home, advice on proper nutrition, or guidance on behaviour training, we're here to help every step of the way.
    To ensure the wellbeing of both our cats and kittens and to minimise stress and upset to our girls, we have implemented a policy of not allowing visits or handling prior to collection. This decision is made with careful consideration for the safety and comfort of our cat and kittens. By limiting physical interaction, we reduce the risk of introducing potential viruses or bacteria into our environment, which could pose a threat to the health of our cats and kittens. Virtual Meetings: While we understand the desire to meet your potential furry companion in person, we're pleased to offer an alternative solution. Prior to reservation, we are happy to arrange a video call for prospective owners. This virtual meeting provides an opportunity for you to 'meet' with us and get to know the kitten from the comfort of your own home. During the call, you can ask questions, observe the kitten's behaviour, and gain insight into their personality, helping you make an informed decision. Exceptional Circumstances: Under certain circumstances, we may consider allowing visits for reserved kittens. However, this is only permitted after all kittens have received their first round of vaccinations. This precautionary measure is taken to safeguard the health of our kittens and minimise any potential risks. It's important to note that should we have a younger litter that are not yet vaccinated visits will not be allowed at all. This decision is made with careful consideration for the vulnerability of our younger kittens, who may be more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Our priority is always the health and safety of our kittens. Prioritising Safety: While we understand that meeting your future kitten in person can be exciting, we prioritise the safety and wellbeing of our cats and kittens above all else. Our policies are designed to ensure a positive and stress-free experience for both our cats, kittens and their future families.
    The health and well-being of our cats is very important to us and we understand the importance of ensuring that they are healthy, happy, and free from any potential health concerns. Before joining our breeding program, all of our cats undergo health screenings and genetic testing. These tests are conducted by qualified veterinarians and specialists to ensure that our cats are free from viruses and hereditary conditions that could impact their health or be passed on to future generations. Our girls have undergone testing for several common viruses and hereditary conditions, and are all clear of the following: FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus): FIV is a viral infection that affects a cat's immune system, similar to HIV in humans. FELV (Feline Leukemia Virus): FELV is another viral infection that can weaken a cat's immune system and lead to a variety of health problems. PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy): PRA is a hereditary condition that affects the retina of the eye, leading to progressive vision loss over time. By ensuring our cats are free from this condition, we can help ensure that our kittens are born with healthy eyesight and enjoy a high quality of life.
    Our kittens will be ready to leave and join their new homes at approximately 13 - 14 weeks of age. This is non-negotiable as it ensures proper socialisation and good health for each kitten.
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